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Choosing Fluffy’s Cat Furniture

August 15 2024

Do you have a cat tower for your cat? Kitties are excellent at making themselves at home. Fluffy will not hesitate to stretch out, spread out, or cuddle up on your bed, chair, sofa, table, laptop, lap, floor, or, well, whatever else she can fit on. One of the reasons cats are so easy to care for is because they are content to make do with whatever you have. However, they do enjoy and benefit from having some items that they do not have to share with their humans. Continue reading as a local Lake Murray, OK veterinarian explains purchasing cat furniture.

Why Should I Get Some Furniture for My Cat?

You don’t need to clutter your home with pet furniture, but we would recommend that you get your feline pal a few items of her own.

Here’s a few reasons why:

Security: Trees provide a variety of functions for wild cats. They give cats a secure haven to escape a coyote, a vantage point, sleeping areas, and manicure stations. Cat towers remind cats of these safe locations and, in many cases, simply make them feel safe.

Sleeping Locations: This probably doesn’t require much explanation. Kitties are always looking for places to snooze! Fluffy will sleep in a potted plant, a lasagna pan, or a pizza box. However, she’ll be much happier on a spot that was custom-picked for her. 

Nail Care Stations: One of the few drawbacks of owning a cat is that Fluffy may decide to do her nails on your furniture. Your pet is not attempting to be destructive; she is only satisfying an instinctual urge to keep her nails sharp. This is absolutely an example of ‘if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em’. You won’t have much luck getting your cat to stop doing her nails. You should also never reprimand her for these incidents. This will just confuse your furry little friend and make her afraid of you. Instead, simply provide your cat with a good manicure station. This will protect your furnishings while also meeting your pet’s natural scratching requirements.

Privacy: One reason cats should have their own possessions? Privacy! Everyone requires a peaceful space to retreat to. Fluffy may need a break from your youngster, the dog, the vacuum cleaner, or simply the bustle of people going back and forth.

Elevation: Many of our feline pals like heights. In fact, they are natural climbers. Fluffy’s claws are actually angled in a way that allows her to climb things more easily. (Going down is more difficult and requires practice, but that’s another matter.) This isn’t only because cats want to have us look up at them in adoration, though that could be a plus. Cats in the wild are both predators and prey. They must be on constant alert for potential hazards. That is, of course, much easier to do from a higher elevation.

Ask your Lake Murray, OK vet for more information on keeping your feline buddy content. 

Do Cats Really Need To Have Beds?

Given that Fluffy may sleep up to 20 hours every day, it’s no surprise that mattresses are among her favorite things. Store-bought beds are fantastic, but you can also create your own. Or, just put soft, folded blankets on trunks, ottomans, and sofas. Cats are not choosy about where they sleep! 

Why Is Fluffy Obsessed With Boxes?

We really can’t delve into kitty furniture without at least mentioning boxes. According to the official theory, cats feel safer in compact, enclosed settings, where nothing can sneak up on them. Of course, that argument crumbles when you see photographs of cats stuffing themselves inside boxes that are either too large, too small, or nothing more than a square outline of tape.

Tips for Choosing A Cat Tower

Of course, the cat tower is the gold standard in this context. Selecting a scratching post or cat tower is simple, but there are a few things to consider.

Sturdiness is one factor. You’ll want something durable. Fluffy’s tower should be strong enough to withstand any kitten misbehavior. (Keep in mind that this could include your pet taking a flying jump onto the tower or simply hurtling up it at full speed.) Of course, safety is the most important consideration here, but there is another reason. If your pet’s tower wobbles as she tries to utilize it, she may grow wary of it and stop using it. This is most likely an intuitive response. It’s easy to understand why cats would have realized that utilizing an unstable tree as a nail-care station might not be a good idea. The tower should also readily support your pet’s weight. Avoid frail or flimsy towers.

Keep Fluffy’s age in mind. Accessibility is also important. While kittens may have no problem scrambling to the top of a tower, an older cat will prefer something easier to get on and off. 

How Many Cat Towers Does Fluffy Actually Require?

There really isn’t an upper limit here. If you want to get your furry little diva a dozen or more cat trees, then go for it! What is the absolute minimal number of cat trees or towers? We recommend having at least one per cat. It’s not the end of the world if two or three cats share the same tower. However, make sure the tower has enough floors so that they can all fit on it at once.

What Other Types Of Cat Furniture Can I Get My Kitty?

Cat towers and beds are arguably Fluffy’s favorite items, but they are by no means the only ones. In fact, you may get a variety of cute and entertaining purrniture items for your feline.

Here are a few options:

Window Seats: Does Fluffy have a favorite window? We think she does. While your furry little friend will appreciate a posh window seat, she will also be pleased with a seat on an ottoman or armchair with a fine view. This will give Fluffy a space to lounge, sunbathe, and observe nearby wildlife.

Cat Wheels You’ve probably seen the wheels that are popular with tiny animals such as hamsters and gerbils. These also come in kitty-sized variants. This is a great choice for a spirited, energetic kitty.

Cat Shelves If you truly want to spoil your feline buddy, consider getting her some shelves. Cats enjoy scampering around the room at high elevations!

Litterbox Pieces:  You can buy items designed expressly to conceal Fluffy’s purrsonal powder area. You can also get creative and repurpose something. You can, for example, hide the litterbox behind an old dresser or desk. This would also work with a trunk. The most important thing is to ensure that your cat can enter and exit easily. You’d also need a way to access it when cleaning. You might cut an extra door in an end table with doors, and use the existing doors to access it. There are numerous examples of this online.

Schedule an Appointment at Our Lake Murray, OK Pet Clinic

Is it time for your kitty companion to have his or her exam? Have you just got a new cat? Contact us, your neighborhood Lake Murray, OK pet hospital, for all of your pet’s veterinary care requirements. We are always willing to help!

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