November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month! This is a wonderful cause. We love seeing any pet getting adopted to a loving family, but it’s extra heartwarming to see people giving older dogs and cats a second chance. If you’re considering bringing a new animal companion into your home, don’t assume that a senior pet isn’t for you. They actually have some wonderful benefits! A local Lake Murray, OK vet lists some of them in this article.

They’re Sweet

Older animals tend to be very calm and sweet. They really just want someone to love them! You may very well melt when you look into Fido’s soulful eyes, or when your older kitty affectionately nose-boops you.

Less Destructive

Puppies and kittens are absolutely adorable. They’re also a lot of work! Baby animals are active, playful, and curious, and they can definitely keep you on your toes. By the time Fluffy and Fido reach their golden years, they’ve pretty much burned through their zoomies, and are mostly interested in napping. You probably won’t have to worry about your canine pal chewing up your shoes or your kitty knocking everything off the counter.

Easy Keepers

That naturally calm demeanor also makes older animals easy to care for: Fluffy and Fido will spend most of their time sleeping. That makes them a great fit for a quieter household.

Prior Training

There’s another benefit to getting an older dog or cat: they most likely will already have been trained, and will fully know what is expected of them. That makes things much easier on you!

They’re Adorable

Have we mentioned the fact that older animals are super cute? Fido looks very charming and distinguished with a gray muzzle, while Fluffy just never stops being adorable.

Shorter Commitment

Adopting a senior pet can be bittersweet: you’ll know going in that you aren’t going to have as much time with your furry friend as you would with a puppy or kitten. However, there is also a benefit to that. If you aren’t sure what your life will be like in five or ten years, that shorter commitment may actually be beneficial. That said, it’s still a lifelong commitment, whether that ends up being one year or several. Adoption is forever!

Purrs And Tail Wags

Last but not least, senior animals offer the same love, companionship, and friendship any other pet does. Purrs and tail wags from these guys are truly precious!

As your local Lake Murray, OK pet hospital, we are dedicated to providing top-notch care. Please feel free to contact us anytime!

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