Our canine companions are incredibly inquisitive and energetic. Fido needs entertainment to stay happy and healthy. After all, Man’s Best Friend is a highly active and energetic creature. While throwing a ball or stick to your cute pet is a fun activity, it is far from the only option. Continue reading for a list of fun things you can do with your dog from a local Ardmore, OK veterinarian.

Tug Of War

This is a popular choice among many of our furry friends. It’s also good for bonding.

There are a few limitations, though. For example, a boisterous, energetic dog may not be the best fit for this game. Some dogs may get a little carried away while playing these games. Your pet may become too agitated, especially if he has aggressive tendencies. It is also best to move sideways rather than tugging too hard.


Fetch can be played indoors or outdoors, as long as you have an adequate area. Many dogs are naturally good at this. It’s no wonder that Fetch comes effortlessly to many of our canine companions. Numerous breeds were originally bred to aid humans in catching small wildlife. These pups, including Lab, Golden, and other Retriever varieties, have an innate impulse to track down and return objects to their owners. (Of course, some dogs don’t understand this ‘work’ and may react by tilting their heads in a cute but bewildered manner if you toss them a ball or toy.)

Avoid playing near places that could be dangerous, such as staircases, fires, and swimming pools.

Hide And Seek

Fido may appreciate this popular children’s game just as much as we do. It’s simple: just find a place where you can hide from your furry friend. You can stand behind a curtain, crawl under a bed, or enter a closet. Following that, contact your canine companion. When your pet finds you, make sure to give him cuddles, kisses, and possibly some food in exchange.

As you play, you enhance the hiding areas you choose, making it more difficult for your furry friend to find where you are hiding.

Doggy Obstacle Course

Obstacle courses are not only enjoyable for Fido, but they are also good for improving your canine buddy’s fitness. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on equipment; instead, use items like cones, storage bags, and boxes.

Remember that obstacle courses may be too demanding for certain dogs. While they could be great for a feisty Border Collie, they would be too taxing for a Pomeranian or Pug. Always take extra precautions. If you are unsure whether this is too much for Fido, consult with your veterinarian.

Red Light/Green Light

This game has been around for a while! It was originally known as “statues” and originated in ancient Greece. Players would freeze in place, like statues. The Greeks believed that the game helped kids improve their listening, coordination, and social abilities. They might have been right! Dogs also benefit from many of the same advantages. (For Fido, you will need to change the command, though: alter it to “Come” and “Stay”.)

Tag: You’re It!

Take turns chasing your furry best friend and allowing him to run after you. We only recommend doing this with a well-trained dog in a gated area. You also want to make sure that your pet knows when it is and isn’t playtime, and doesn’t start to think that being chased by you is just fun!

Simon Says … Sit!

Does your furry bestie recognize basic commands? Allow Fido to showcase his repertoire by running though these basics.

All dogs should be able to follow the fundamental commands: Lay Down, Sit, Stay, and Come. Other important commands include Down, Drop It, and Leave It, however, the last three require you to have something for your dog to drop or go.

Treasure Hunt

This is a fantastic choice for dogs that enjoy following scent trails. This one may be enticing to scent hounds such as Bloodhounds, Beagles, Foxhounds, and Daschunds. It’s really simple: simply hide toys and/or little treats for Fido to find. However, be careful to collect whatever your dog friend misses.

Cute Tricks

Before you teach your pet any cute antics, make sure he understands the basic obedience cues for dogs. That includes commands like Sit, Stay, Come, Heel, and Lay Down. (Leave It and Drop It are also beneficial.) Once Fido has mastered those, you can let him continue with his petucation. Once he has things down, there’s no reason you can’t have fun teaching your adorable pet some funny pranks. Roll Over and Shake Paw are always hilarious. You can also teach your pet to wave; stand on the back legs;  balance a cookie on his nose; spin; take a bow; smile; play dead; and shame (cover nose with paws).

Three Cups 

Fido may have a lot of fun with that old carnival game. One of the three cups should have a dog treat in it. (Tip: To help conceal the aroma and make things a bit more difficult, rub the candy over each cup.) Furthermore, you are free to utilize your hands. Allow Fido to choose the cup with the treat.

How Frequently Should Fido Play?

This will fluctuate as Fido ages and will vary slightly from pup to pup. Due to their high level of energy and activity, young pups may want to play for several hours each day, while an elderly dog may be completely tuckered out After only a few minutes. If you’re not sure, consult your veterinarian.

All things considered, most puppies will benefit from consistent play. Try to play with your pet at the same time each day: Fido does best with a consistent routine.

My Dog Doesn’t Play!

Some of our furry pals appear to be more interested in taking naps than chasing Frisbees, balls, or sticks. That’s all right! However, if your canine companion abruptly quits playing, he may have a medical condition. Contact your veterinarian right away and schedule an exam.

Playing With Older Dogs

Fido will continue to benefit and love playing even as he ages. However, as your dog grows older, you will need to modify his schedule. Also, keep an eye on your pet and make sure that Fido does not become too tired! start playing mind-stimulating games like Cups and slowly move your focus away from more physical ones, like Fetch and Frisbee.

Another thing to be cautious about? Having Fido stand or jump on his hind legs. This can be extremely detrimental to puppies who have or are at risk of developing bone/joint problems, such as hip dysplasia. Contact your veterinarian for further information.

To summarize, Fido both likes and benefits from playing. Playing not only keeps your dog healthy, but it also provides mental stimulation, which benefits his overall health and well-being. It also allows your dog to expend surplus energy and is a terrific way to connect with him.

Make An Appointment At Our Ardmore, Ok Veterinary Clinic.

Is it time for your dog to visit a vet? Is Fido due for parasite treatment or vaccination? Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. We would be delighted to serve as your Ardmore, OK pet clinic!

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