Does your kitty enjoy cuddling? Our feline buddies are known for their affectionate nature. Of course, some are more affectionate than others. Keep reading to learn more about how to properly hug your beloved pet, as explained by a Lake Murray, OK veterinarian.

What Cat Breeds Are Known For Being Particularly Affectionate And Cuddly?

Fluffy’s personality is influenced less by breed and more by other factors compared to dogs. However, that is definitely something to think about. Although each cat has its own purrsonality, there are certain breeds that are renowned for being affectionate companions. Some of those cuddly felines include the Ragdoll, Bombay, Abyssinian, Tonkinese, Ragamuffin, Sphynx, Himalayan, Siberian Devon, Devon Rex Cornish, Cornish Rex Chartreux, Chartreux, Maine Coon, Scottish Fold, Siamese, Russian Blue, American Shorthair, Persian, Burmese, and Birman.

Is Hugging Cats Good?

For the most part, yes, as long as the kitty is enjoying it.

In fact, cuddling with your cat can be mutually beneficial. Our feline companions often receive unfair criticism for being perceived as cold and aloof. Some individuals desire constant affection and indulgence. Spending quality time with our feline companions, engaging in play and affectionate cuddles, can help strengthen our special bond with them.

Snuggling with your pet releases a hormone called oxytocin in both of you. When mothers and babies snuggle, they also release this hormone. It strengthens the feelings of being loved, happy, and secure.

Let’s not forget Fluffy’s purr. That special rumble has some fascinating characteristics. Cats purr at specific frequencies, typically ranging from 25 to 140 Hertz. Studies have shown that these frequencies can also support the healing process and stimulate bone growth. They are also used in physical therapy.

And, as you may already be aware, snuggling with a purring cat can be incredibly soothing.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind. It’s important to always respect a cat’s boundaries and avoid hugging or holding them if they don’t want to be touched. Otherwise, you may very well get scratched. Or, Fluffy may just retreat to her favorite corner to glare at you.

Does Fluffy Actually Enjoy Being Cuddled?

Many cats love being petted and cuddled by their owners. Fluffy is the perfect size for curling up on our laps! (it’s hard to tell if she wants to cuddle or just sees you as a comfy napping spot, but we’ll save that for another time.)

Setting humor aside, cats possess a remarkable range of emotions. All they really want is to feel safe and loved. Research indicates that our feline companions view us as their second parents. Kittens, especially, desire a sense of security and affection, often finding comfort in being cuddled and caressed. We’re more than happy to help!

What If My Cat Doesn’t Like Hugs?

A few of our feline companions are known to be somewhat reserved. It’s possible that your kitty isn’t particularly fond of being held or petted. Just because she doesn’t show affection that way, doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you! Fluffy may express her affection by spending time with you, shadowing your every move, or occasionally giving you the cold shoulder.

How Else Can I Get That Motor Going?

Showing your kitty affection isn’t the only way to make her feel happy and loved. There are other ways to pamper your cute pet and get that little motor going.

Catnip, of course, is at the top of the list. However, not all cats are affected by it. If your feline pal doesn’t seem to be enjoying it, consider purchasing honeysuckle cat toys for her. Cats who aren’t fans of catnip seem to be drawn to honeysuckle. only use products that are specifically designed for cats.

Beds are also a safe bet. Cats can sleep up to 20 hours a day! Getting Fluffy a new bed is guaranteed to get you at least a few purrs.

Your feline overlord will also appreciate some kitty furniture. Kitties greatly benefit from having furniture designed specifically for them. A cat tower is a great option, but your feline friend might also enjoy a kitty tunnel, window seat, or any other cozy spot where she can show off her cuteness while resting.

Another way to show Fluffy love, aside from giving her hugs and kisses? Just have a conversation with her! Cats are truly wonderful companions to confide in. They won’t spill your secrets. Plus, some will even talk back!

Treats are also a safe bet. Most cats have a preferred snack, even though they can be quite selective. Choose healthier options, though, such as boneless fish or chicken.

Boxes: Luckily, our feline overlords are quite content with simple pleasures. Just provide your furry friend with an empty box and kindly ask her to stay away from it.

Finally, toys and playtime are also  important. Playing helps your furry companion stay in good shape, and timing those impressive leaps is also great for mental stimulation.

Regular visits to our Lake Murray, OK pet clinic are also essential for ensuring the happiness and health of your beloved pet.

Why Don’t Some Cats Enjoy Being Cuddled?

Every kitty has its own unique preferences. There may be a connection to your pet’s history. If she wasn’t properly socialized as a kitten, has had negative experiences, and/or spent time as a stray, she may be inclined to be distrustful. Some furballs only cuddle with their humans on their own terms. Fluffy may have a knack for ignoring you when you’re engrossed in watching TV, only to suddenly demand your attention when you’re in the middle of something else.

Cats also sometimes warm up over time. It’s always amazing when a distant, anxious cat comes over to sit on your lap for the first time!

Keep in mind that changes in a kitty’s hugging/cuddle habits can be a red flag. If Fluffy was once affectionate and now avoids physical contact, it may indicate an underlying issue. Feel free to reach out to your local Lake Murray, OK veterinarian for any additional information you may need.

How to Give a Cat a Proper Hug

While picking up your cat might not seem like a major undertaking, there are a few things you should and shouldn’t do. Hold your pet so that her weight is distributed across her hind end and back legs. She might choose to rest her front paws on your arm or shoulders: that’s fine! It’s important to avoid grabbing her by the stomach. This has the potential to cause internal harm. In addition, it’s just plain uncomfortable. Being grabbed by the stomach is definitely not fun!

When your pet feels like she’s had enough, it’s important to let her go. Developing trust is absolutely essential. Attempting to hold Fluffy could potentially trigger fear and defensive behavior. Ask your Lake Murray, OK vet for tips on properly handling and transporting your pet.

Schedule An Appointment At Our Lake Murray, Ok Animal Clinic

Has it been some time since your cat last returned home? Did you just bring home a new kitten? Reach out to us today at our Lake Murray, OK pet clinic. We are more than happy to assist!

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